sitting in my bed after a wonderful week full of sleep and green foods. this was one of those weeks i was craving a cleanse and i feel so great! i cut out caffeine and overloaded with fish and veggies and fruit and water which in turn allowed for the best nights of sleep that i've had in a long time.

--but this past weekend is what i really wanted to write about because it was probably the best weekend i've had here yet. i went with a group of people from my program to normandy. after a bit of a stressful week, i woke up early saturday morning and enjoyed every moment of the bus ride along the northern country side. we started the trip off watching a silent, black and white film at the dday museum - actual footage of the preparation/attack in normandy. it was mind-blowing. i dont think i blinked my eyes throughout the entire film. i've always been fascinated by world world II so the entire day felt like a nostalgic daze to me. visiting the cemetery, which seemed infinite, and then omaha beach. they were equally as beautiful as they were heartbreaking and touching -- to imagine what had happened on these grounds which are now so completely peaceful and picturesque. our last visit of the day was pont du roc - the actual point of attack now composed of large bomb craters and chamber-like, destructed stone hideaways all on a cliff overlooking the sea - unbelievable. i was overcome by so many flashbacks of my childhood - running around the woods with josie, anna, and david playing one of our favorite games "run away from the nazi's" in which we would quite literally pretend to be little jewish children trying to escape nazi soldiers (yes - that's how obsessed we were). i imagined that this would've been our dream place to come as children to play make-believe games, how we could've spent hours and hours running from underground cave to crater, making up a new game in each spot.
that night we stayed in saint molo - my new favorite place. it's an old pirate town on the coast surrounded by ancient stone walls and eery, fog-covered islands. we rolled in all a bit tipsy from playing card games with cheap, boxed white wine on bus on the way there. a group of us went out and ordered the dish the area is most well-known for: mussels & frites: delicious. afterwards, some of us branched off with a few bottles of red wine and apple cider and found a tall rock on the beach where we could sit and enjoy the view. the night was blissful -- the moon sat directly above us with a large halo around it. and after only minutes of being on the beach at nighttime, i realized something that filled me with glee: this was the same beach that one of my favorite local native's videos was filmed on! i had watched this video on repeat during summer '10 (when i was utterly obsessed with them) and now, here on was, dancing on that very sand. [[http://vimeo.com/9645436]]<---here's the link to the video :)
the long ride home was a bit rough, most of us were either hungover or motion sick or both -- but good conversations were still had. in general, there were lots of wonderful talks and laughs throughout
the trip. i got to hang out and get to know many people i hadn't really had the chance to yet which was really great. i'm really excited to continue many of those friendships in paris. in general, the weekend was exactly what i needed in every way - a breath of fresh air, the country side, the people, it was perfect.
<3 <3 <3
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